Behavior Change, Health

Addressing Underlying Barriers

Many individuals and programs only address the superficial barrier(s) (I am honestly not completely sure what to call it) when it comes to behavior change. While it is great to address the socially known barriers that can lead to serious consequences if change(s) are not made, many programs fail because the fail to address the… Continue reading Addressing Underlying Barriers

Gratitude, Health

Cultivating Gratitude

Cultivating gratitude can be extremely easy to do, and beneficial to our psychological, emotional, spiritual, and physical health. Practicing gratitude can help re-route our thoughts away from negativity, and towards positivity and fulfillment. Gratitude is a term that is thrown around a lot today. When most people talk about gratitude they are talking about being… Continue reading Cultivating Gratitude

food, Health

Why You Should NOT Diet in 2020 (or ever)

Nutrition, physique, diets, mental health, wellness, you name it. They have all had their time in the media and public spotlight. While it is beyond amazing that more and more conversations are being had concerning health and wellness, it is not amazing that fad diets and eating disorders are at an all time high. Conversations… Continue reading Why You Should NOT Diet in 2020 (or ever)


Food Is More Than Nutrition

We live in a society that is focused on the “little” and the “small”. Small phones, small computers, tiny homes, little effort, and even small portion sizes and small bodies. Many of us tend to uphold aspirational ideas that are often unrealistic and unhealthy when it comes to the body and what we put into… Continue reading Food Is More Than Nutrition



Psychoneuroimmunology is the study of the heavily intertwined relationships between thoughts, emotions and the immune system. Within recent years there has been a shift within the medical field. Health professionals are no longer just accessing health in terms of the physical body, but also including holistic trends that take into consideration all parts of a… Continue reading Optimism


Reviving Pleasure

We have all heard the statistics. Something like 1 in every 4 people reports that they have or are currently experiencing stress. It is not my intention to make this piece about the potential causes and solutions for stress, but rather highlight one of the key things that tends to be missing from the lives… Continue reading Reviving Pleasure