Readiness To Change & Confidence Ruler

Before we can be ready to change and fully commit to making changes, we need to make sure we are ready to cultivate change. One’s readiness to change can depend on many things, such as, the importance of said change, confidence in one’s self and the change, availability of tools and support, self-efficacy, etc.

It is very important to measure the importance of the change(s) that we wish to make and how confident we are in ourselves that we are ready to make those changes.

Measuring our readiness to change is relatively simple to do. It is the why behind our answers that can become tricky to navigate. See below for some simple starting points:

Follow up questions to ask yourself based on your answer:

  1. Why did you rate the importance of your change the way that you did? Why did you not go with a different number?
  2. What can be done to increase the importance of your change, if even only a little bit?
  3. List at least three ways that your current situation could be bettered if you made this change.
  4. List at least two ways that your future could be bettered if you made this change.

Follow up questions to reflect on:

  1. Why did you rate your confidence the way that you did?
  2. What can you do to increase your confidence?
  3. Have you ever attempted to make this change before? If yes, how did it go?
  4. List at least three things that make you feel confident about yourself.

If you find yourself feeling like you are ready to make a change and need guidance, feel free to reach out.

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