Goal Setting

Have you been wanting to make a change within yourself or your lifestyle, but are unsure if you are read to take the leap?

Change can be daunting and frightening. As humans, we are creatures of familiarity. We go out of our way to seek comfort, and sometimes the comfort(s) that we seek are not always what is best for us. Goals and lifestyle changes can feel like faint visions on the horizon, feeling too far to reach when we are unsure how to confront and initiate change. At the end of the day, the only one who can tell you if you are ready to make a change, or if a change is right for you, is you.

Readiness to Change

If you have been feeling like you want to cultivate change within yourself or your lifestyle, but are feeling unsure, the Readiness to Change questionnaire may be a helpful tool for you.

Goal Setting

If you have decided that you want to pursue a change or are on the fence, the Goal Exploration worksheet may help you outline what setting and achieving your goal(s) might look like.

These self-led worksheets can serve as a guide for you to explore your wants/needs and your readiness to make any desired changes. If you find that you have answered yes to most of the questions on the Readiness to Change questionnaire then you may be ready to explore what it is that you really want and what it is going to take for you get there. The Goal Exploration worksheet can serve as a way for you to explore your current state, your future, resources you have, resources you may need to acquire, and your general placement as far as preparedness and motivation go.

As I create more content and move forward in my endeavors to become a certified health coach and certified health education specialist I would love to hear feedback as far as what is helpful vs. not so much. I am also very open to the idea of offering guidance to anyone who would like support on their goal-setting and change journey (see the contact page for more information on how to get in touch with me or find me on social media).

**These worksheets are for you to download and use to help explore your wants and needs. That being said, these worksheets are in no way intended to replace the guidance or words of a certified professional. I have my bachelors of science in health and human performance and public and community health. I have spent many hours working on program plans, behavior change theory, and goal-setting techniques. I urge you to reach out to a trained counselor or other health professional if you find yourself in an crisis situation or in need of more urgent guidance/help. **

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