Gratitude, Motherhood/Parenthood, Pregnancy

Expectations Vs. Reality

Chances are if you are a mom or know someone who is you have seen these thoughts and many more make an appearance. It is normal to want to please others and be the very best we can be. For real though, the only one you need to be pleasing if yourself (and maybe your… Continue reading Expectations Vs. Reality

Gratitude, Health

Cultivating Gratitude

Cultivating gratitude can be extremely easy to do, and beneficial to our psychological, emotional, spiritual, and physical health. Practicing gratitude can help re-route our thoughts away from negativity, and towards positivity and fulfillment. Gratitude is a term that is thrown around a lot today. When most people talk about gratitude they are talking about being… Continue reading Cultivating Gratitude

Gratitude, Health, Pregnancy

Pregnancy During COVID-19

Monday January 13th, 2020 was the day that everything changed. The extended absence of my monthly visitor led me to believe that it was more than just stress this time around. Sure enough, the test displayed that little positive sign. Being that this is my first pregnancy I was initially overwhelmed with feelings of shock,… Continue reading Pregnancy During COVID-19

Gratitude, Health

Saved by Gratitude

In the midst of this global virus pandemic most of us, and with great reason, have been focusing on what we want and what we need in our lives. If you are like me, you have probably been feeling rather unsure about how you feel about all that is going on in our world today.… Continue reading Saved by Gratitude