
The Power of Suggestion

The power of suggestion is the idea that the mind is constantly open to information (true or false) that comes from that a source that seems dependable (though this is not always the case). It is no secret that the food industry has its own agenda. It has been suggested so many times that calorie dense foods are more appealing, tastier, and more realistic than nutritionally dense foods. The worst part being that most of the time we do not realize what is being presented to us. The information is coming from companies and sources that are known world-wide so it must be true, right?

Now I know that not everyone has a diet that consists of garbage, I know that there are some people that have been lucky enough to find that magical balance and I know that indulging every once in a while, is not a bad thing at all! BUT for those that have not, have you ever wondered why you reach for an artificial ingredient laden option rather than a natural and nutrient dense option? Ease? Taste? Cost? Have you ever even thought about it at all or is it just what you do because that is all you have ever known?

The reality of the situation is that “they” have us right where they want us and have trained OUR minds not to think otherwise.

The bottom line is we are creatures of habit. After living on an artificial diet, the body becomes habituated to such. As far as we and our bodies are concerned everything is great! Along with such a great time many people find themselves experiencing fatigue, illness, low energy, acne, bloating, and the list goes on for so long we could never complete it… Since such foods have been suggested to us time and time again, we have, most of the time, unknowingly suggested to ourselves that feeling such things is normal.

The truth is most of us are not jumping up and down at the thought of ditching the high fat, high sugar and highly artificial “meals” that most people have become accustomed to. I have seen a seen a saying circulating about attached to pictures of Kraft Macaroni and Cheese and other so called “comfort foods”, “we are here for a good time, not a long time”.

I have found myself questioning why can’t we be here for a good time and a long time? Why does longevity and health have to be compromised to enjoy food? Why are most so reluctant to create nutritionally balanced and sound snacks and meals? I know that I love to enjoy a big, juicy and greasy bacon cheeseburger with a big side of fries so I am in no way trying to say that anyone should ditch them completely (or whatever your delectable meal of choice is!). BUT what I am trying to say is that a new normal need to be created. A normal that suggests health as realistic for all, fun, doable, worth the investment and delicious! A new normal must include feeling great most if not all the time! Though, I do realize that life happens and feeling like a million bucks ALL the time is most likely not going to be in the cards.

Rather than the power of suggestion there needs to be power with suggestion. We need to take back the power as consumers and insist that only the truth and the best options be suggested to us so that we can make our own INFORMED decisions.

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